Hunter seems to be enjoying kindergarten and has pretty much adjusted to his new routine and responsibilities. Fall soccer season
officially started last night with the first game. Hunter's team is called the Rockets this year. Carter was a pretty great cheerleader for his big brother. "Kick the ball Hunter", "Go Hunter Go", "Good job".
Carter visited his new "school" this week and was as excited as he could be that there was a train in his room. He isn't too excited about the idea that mom is going to be leaving him at school to go to work. It appears that we will have several rough and tearful mornings ahead of us. Next week is my last week off from work. Carter will have some half days at school to help transition into our new routine.
Other than that, we are all doing great. Carter's English continues to increase at such an impressive speed. He added such words/phrases as "upside down", "yes", "hold on", "mine", "Carter try", "I need to pee-pee/poop", "Hungry, let's eat", to mention a few of the newer ones. Another recent change is when he sees a picture of himself he says that's Carter versus Si En.
Here are some September pictures as we head into Fall.