We survived and it wasn't as terrible and I had been dreading. Don't get me wrong, there were tears involved and it wasn't easy saying good-bye. I did not cry though, yay! His teacher said he did calm down about five minutes after I left. When I picked him up I got a smile and a hug without any pouting (another score, yay). I asked Carter if he had fun and he said yes. When Todd came home he still answered yes school was fun. Carter has shared some stories with me about school, but I can't say I understood any of them. When he babbles now I think it is somewhere between Chinese and English; I'm not sure that there is anyone who speaks his babble language. His teacher did report that he seemed to especially enjoy story time when she read the class a book. Carter apparently kept getting up and having the teacher go back to the previous page in order to point out things in the picture (oh no, like our family can handle much more attention to detail, lol).
Since this is all about Carter I'll include some pictures Grandma sent me of Carter and his Grandpa Disch playing with trains. Carter may be Grandpa's only shot at another rail fan in the family (yikes), but there is still plenty of time for Carter to grow out of it:)

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